
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Elements & Principles Of Design – Freshmen

Week 1 – Discovering shape, form, space, and line. The Elements and Principles of Design are the foundation to multiple design careers such as  Animation,  Architectural Design,  Fashion Design,  Graphic Design,  Game Design,   Industrial Design, Illustration, Television and Movie Direction, User Interface Design, Web Design, etc. Multimedia Communications. Eat. Sleep. Create. Repeat.

Color Movie Studies – Freshmen

Freshmen Week 2   Our students love Stanley Kubrick. And spooky things. In this project, students were asked to choose a movie title, genre, and target audience  of their choice. They then had to determine the color palette necessary to advertise the movie to their chosen target audience.  The designs were to be mostly abstract and minimally figurative by using color, value (the lightness and darkness of a hue), shape, and form to relay the message of the movie title.   Multimedia Communications. Eat. Sleep. Create. Repeat.