
Showing posts from April, 2018

Design Thinking – Hamster Cage – Freshmen

Empathy, define, ideation, and prototyping for the ultimate hamster cage design. The five phases to the design thinking process are: See our Design Thinking page Phase 1 - Empathize: The objective of this lesson was to engage students with the empathizing phase of the design process. In order to define the problem, we need to ask why? Understanding and  empathizing with the user brings us closer to that question, why? This ultimately lends itself to building a better product. After reading the following fake news bulletin, students were divided into teams and then asked to write down all of the things that a high school student would need in their bedroom.   See our Design Thinking page In order to further engage students in the empathy process, students created hamster profiles. Phase 2 - Define: Students were asked to list the needs of their hamster. Phase 3 - Ideate: On the Smart Board and then in assigned groups, students brainstormed via concept mapping.   If I were a hamst