Time Magazine Photography and Cover Design - Sophomores

Our 2014 Time magazine covers featured the amazing faculty, staff, and students from BVT.  Thank you to all who took time out of their busy day to pose for us.

For the past six years, Valley Tech girls volleyball head coach Barbara King of Millbury has led a "Dig Pink" fundraising campaign in October to raise funds for the Side-Out Foundation, which engages volleyball teams and programs in breast cancer awareness. Barbara King is not only an inspiration to all the staff and students, but she is also a survivor true and true.

For donations, please click here: Side-Out Foundation.

Bob Bouchard is an amazing Graphic Communications instructor, friend, and mentor to all of us instructors in the Multimedia Communications department. He truly is the man that started it all. Thank you so much for all you do!

Students working in our soon to be, new Photography and Television studio.

Top of their game!

Multimedia Communications.
Eat. Sleep. Create. Repeat.


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