Motion Graphics – Juniors

Motion Media Design and Information Graphics a growing sector of the communication's field and corporate sector are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends. Students spent a large portion of this project researching needs via online sources, gathering insights from the many online surveys conducted, and finally, synthesizing the information learned to formulate the infographic posters and motion graphics created in Adobe After Effects.

Compilation 2017:

Music In America:

Female Rappers:

Honey Bees:

How Music Affects The Brain:

The History of Cameras:

Planes. Then vs Now:

The History of Skateboarding:

Recycling Plastic:

The Legend of Zelda:

Formula E versus Formula One:


Vans Warped Tour 101:


Gingers Are So Awesome:

The Town of Uxbridge:

Blackstone Valley Technical High School:

Quentin Tarantino:

Disney World:

The Benefits Of Reading:


Breed Bashing:

The Answer To Cancer:

Save The Wolves:

Space Trash:

House Music:

America's Obsession With Burgers:

Star Trek Versus Star Wars:

Multimedia Communications.
Eat. Sleep. Create. Repeat.


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