Surface Design - Seniors

Students explore textures via nature, photography, and geometric patterns.
Finally, bringing all of these elements into Fashion, Textiles, and Interior Design.

Ella Tmagni a former graduate from the BVT Multimedia Communications Department shares a sampling of her work from the MassArt Fashion Design program. Below, Ella talks about her high school fashion project that started at BVT, and how this was brought to life at MassArt.

"I never realized how lucky I was to attend Valley Tech until I got to college, and met other artists and designers that didn’t have the same type of education. I felt myself being entirely ahead of the game in a number of my classes at MassArt. One particular experience that really impacted me was the BVT Multimedia's textile design project. I realized then that textile design was something I wanted to immerse myself in as a career. At MassArt I ended up switching into fashion design as a sophomore, because I realized it’s what I’m meant to do. To this day, I have used the knowledge I learned at Valley Tech in every class I have taken and every job I have ever had. Valley Tech taught me vital skills that apply to every single field of art and design and I am more than thankful for my experience there."

Ella's BVT project was produced and launched at MassArt
Ella's original designs were created while still a student in the BVT Multimedia Department

More of Ella's surface design projects while at BVT

Today, Ella's work is on display at the Prudential Mall

"This is a gown that was made for an unconventional materials project, it is entirely made out of pool noodles with a pool float lining."

Check out more of Ella's recent work at 
Society 66

Erin Kalousdian also shares her story. "As a Multimedia Communications student at BVT, I was given the opportunity to explore so many different pathways. The projects I identified with the most were fashion related. I loved sketching croquis, and creating textiles. Not knowing if it was a serious possibility for a career path, I did some research and discovered FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. I was able to take my extensive graphic design knowledge from BVT, and combine it with my Merchandise Product Development Associates degree to land a job at The Forecast Agency in Los Angeles, CA. My current job title is Apparel Designer at Off The Shelf Product Developer. I am the lead designer and creative director of our newest brand Select Start, launching in a few months. Today, I direct and design in the global sourcing department, where I've been able to travel to Vegas for Magic trade show, and Mexico for annual factory check ins, as well as, create social media campaigns for Desert Dreamer."

From the BVT Multimedia Communications Department

Inspiration for this piece (Original Photography & Piet Mondrian)

Sketches, patterns, and more.






Multimedia Communications.
Eat. Sleep. Create. Repeat.


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